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We Need Action! Save Our Steel Jobs — Before It's Too Late

Roughly 13,500 Americans have been laid-off and major steel mills across the country have closed because of an unprecedented surge in subsidized steel imports from countries like China. It's time for the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) and Commerce Department to do something about this crisis.

China's steel is heavily subsidized by its government, which also doesn't require its companies to abide by strict labor or environmental laws. But China is producing way more steel than it can use. It needs to get rid of all that extra steel, so it dumps it in the U.S. market at a rock-bottom price. That's not fair to American steelmakers, who compete in an open market and play by the rules.

U.S. steelworkers and companies are paying the price for China's trade cheating — and they can't take much more. Tell the USTR and Commerce Department to Save Our Steel Jobs and implement a plan of action to address this crisis.